MA WP Intensive Program : Kopenhagen

MA Arch / M-Arch-T / MA UD _ Wahlpflichtfach 2023 SoSe _ 6 LP

Modul Arch M WP – adip Intensive Program – MOSES Nr. 60396

The practical part of the Keep Walking seminar series will lead us to the city Copenhagen, where we immerse ourselves in various walking practices.

Fachgebiet : Bildende Kunst 
Prüfrecht : Birgit Klauck AR 
Betreuer/in : Birgit Klauck AR 
Sprache : English / German

Exam : Portfolioprüfung 
Participants :  30 
First Meeting : Mo the 24th of April – see ISIS – go to: Kurse / Fak VI / Institut für Architektur
Enrollment from 18th of April onwards: on ISIS